Monday 23 April 2012

Blacks have hope!!!

Blacks are fools, blacks are stupid, blacks are greedy, blacks are lazy and thus blacks are poor...we have heard all of this and I say its ENOUGH bashing of our race. Its about time we stop pointing fingers at the problem and start finding solutions.

Let's address us being stupid first. For that we have to look at the core of it all, education. Public schooling at large is the course of this problem. No one inspires to be a teacher no more because of the salary they earn therefore only those that are left with no choice end up pursuing teaching. With a lack of teachers we end up taking whatever is on offer to be entrusted with our children's future. In private schools its very different. They only pick the cream of the crop to educate their children. With our background most of us can't afford to take our children to private schools. We are lagging in a cycle of basic education. Teaching has to be made a high priority, let them encourage people to be teachers by paying teachers more but yet making the curriculum more difficult so only the best make it to educate our children. Parents must also do their part and encourage their children to read more often.

Next let's address this laziness we have. The fact that we think because we took power away from the oppressor our lives must automatically be easy. We are the last to work but when people are benefiting, we the first to complain. We say we want change but we want someone else to get the change done. We must individually take a look at what we are doing to contribute to this change that we forever asking for. Get off your high horse and be part of the solution.

Next big problem is our greed. A black man finds it easy to spend R20 on a burger than to give his friend R10 so they can both enjoy a pie. This is because we always want to feel more important and that's where greed takes over. We once preached about Ubuntu, that was quickly forgotten. Indian people, white people and to a large extent coloured people work to enrich their communities but yet we work to leave our communities. Charity begins at home. Stop making everything about you and your wallet, let's begin working together to rid ourselves off poverty so future generations can live a prosperous life.

We have hope as a race. We couldn't see it before because we never had an example. Now we have Patrice Motsepe who is the richest man in South Africa and hails from soweto. If he can make it, why can't you? Stop tryna shift blame and start looking at yourself and the decisions you made to end up where you are right now. We are free now so let's act free and not only voice concerns but put actions to address this concerns. The fact that we see the problem means we very close to a solution. Blacks have hope!

Vusani Jack Jnr


  1. Feel free to post comments on what you honestly think.

  2. i just typed out a long reply to this memoir and then dang thing kindly deleted it before posting... unbelievable...
    so i take note in your passion on the subject and emphasis in trying to push the black people to better themselves and i applaud you. yet i must say this, i dont think its just the black people, its in every race, society tends to focus on majority though, so even the whites, coloured and indians would have this problem. i dont think it has to with the race but rather the individual. so its fair to say that it doesnt matter what ur skin colour is we are all prone to laziness and too many are practising it. i feel that as human beings we are failing, as not everyone is a leader, therefore when we have leaders enforcing the wrong thing followers do what they do best, follow, lets not forget that what may seem easy to you may not be so easy for another. during the xenophobia the south africans claimed to dislike the foreigners because they took work from them, and then people said the south africans were lazy and this is why they have no jobs, now to an extent this is true, but at the same time there are many foreigners just as lazy. the diffirence is that, the south africans have rights and can say no to work that isnt beneficial, whereas foreigners are not as privileged and settle for less which is better than nothing. thus making their willingness to do so look better than the locals.
    we need to give praise to those who are doing what they are capable of, the few trying to make a difference. i fear we dont do that enough. instead we pay more attention trying to rectify those individuals who are staining the good with their nonsense. in a way i sense much negativity here as if its unfinished, i dont really see you acknowledging the good that the black community as a whole a practising but instead a reminder of the the things that are not being done or are lacking. understandable you want people to focus on doing better, but encouragement to continue the good they already started would make a huge difference.
