Friday 31 October 2014

Sugar daddy affairs

When we discuss the sugar daddy issue, it always takes a shrewd and deliberate angle. We always seem to solely focus on the girl who is caught up in this immoral affair. We vilify her without putting much thought behind all factors that contribute to it. She's a lazy girl, with no morals, who loves money and old men. She's probably from a poor family and loves the allure of the easy life. She's exchanging sexual favours for financial favours. Glorified prostitution if one could put it more bluntly. This is the analysis we put together and we're satisfied by this analysis because it satisfies our point of view. We can judge the girls as from our system of reality we can assess all the hardships involved in completing a degree in a university with little to no financial support from our family.

Now, let's step out of our comfort zone for a bit. Let's analyse the true evil behind this issue. The reason it's so rife. Let's take a look at the role a dysfunctional marriage has in producing the main factor of the argument, the sugar daddy. A marriage is a union between two people. By this definition we can conclude that for a sugar daddy to exist, the marriage is dysfunctional. There's many reasons for a marriage to be dysfunctional, topic for another day. Let's analyse why the husband feels the need to prey on gullible girls who are easily lured by the facade of what seems to be an easy life.

To do this we have to analyse the current economic environment we operate in. We reside in the more unequal country in the world(according to a survey). This is already a recipe for disaster. Once people breach the financial stability line and can afford a big house in a nice suburb with a car that matches, they gain power. They gain power over those inspiring for a similar lifestyle. People look at them and marvel at the life they are living which from the exterior seems so easy and so opulent. The people in these positions are fully aware of the power they possess, this is where the true evil lies. The man exploits his new found power to lure the young ladies into a snare filled with lies, deception, vile sexual acts and punches her self esteem beyond recognition. The aim of the sugar daddy is not to leave his wife and marry his victim. The aim is to trap her mentally and financially, get her used to enjoying a certain lifestyle that she alone could never afford, make her financially depend on him. He makes her feel like this is also hers and she is safe as long as she stays and does what he wants. The same evil mentality behind the engineering of slavery. The wife is an enigma in all of this but she is probably as much to blame for this as the husband. She knows that he's not at late meetings, she knows he's not meeting only friends but she looks away because she's comforted by the lifestyle her husband has made her accustomed to.

To be continued...

Sunday 2 February 2014

You were the kaffir

Racist white man. Do you still walk around thinking of yourself as superior to all? Do you still believe that people of colour need to bow before you? You probably think black people are inferior because they are ignorant. Ignorant is the man who teaches his children to hate people because they have a different skin colour and then tell them on Sunday that God loves us all. Ignorant is the man who reads the bible and call themselves Christian but yet turn around and oppress others. Do you think God approved of your actions. Do you truly believe the same God who loves the poor and protects those who are suffering was in favour of white supremacy?

You called us kaffirs, a term Muslims use to refer to a non-believer. I'm here to tell you that you were the non-believer. You preached messages in church which you never followed. Thou shalt love they neighbor as thyself. That's one of the ten commandments which you failed to follow day in and day out. The Bible spoke about Moses setting His people free. We are now free and were led to freedom by Nelson Mandela and the many who fought besides him. Indeed, we are His people seeking the promise land. All along you didn't believe the message you were teaching because you're non-believers.

You didn't want to believe that one day black people would be free. You didn't want to believe that we are very smart people. You didn't want to believe that one day black people would rule the country. Even the Americas never believed that one day an African, who they thought was only good enough to be a slave, would be their president. You didn't want to believe that when black people took power they wouldn't seek revenge because you thought of us as savages. You have hatred that you can't explain it's origin towards black people but you still go to church and sing those hymns with that cloud of darkness covering your heart. It's ironic how you were always the non-believer. You were the kaffir.

Trapped in a world of bitterness, spreading hatred and fear just so you can live exclusively in comfort. Doesn't sound like the life Jesus lived when he was on this earth. Why do you believe in Jesus if you rather live like the devil? I hope next time you're in church you can feel God's touch and free yourself from hatred. I hope you can start looking at a black man and think of him as a brother or otherwise you will always be a kaffir.